Amberley Romo

MakerSquare Week 2: Blur

It’s becoming quite apparent that although I’m totally wiped, this experience is going to be over far too quickly. I can’t believe that two weeks have gone by. I’ve learned more in the last two weeks than I have in… I don’t know how long. It’s incredible what people are capable of in such short spans of time.

We were exposed to so many interesting things this week. For me, by far, the most compelling section was exploring the D3.js library.

D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.

The interesting stuff being done with data visualization was actually a huge part of me making the leap to MakerSquare. While helping manage several incredible, interesting data-visualization-focused projects, I always wished I were instead able to contribute to them technically — both in terms of managing and manipulating the data, and in the presentation and interaction.

I was surprised to find how relatively prepared I felt to dig into it. I’ve only scratched the surface, certainly, but working with it no longer seems insurmountably daunting.

It was also one of my most interesting, constructive, difficult, and fun pair experiences. I was initially hesitant to pair with my partner — it seemed intimidating to pair with someone who already had a pretty significant amount of engineering experience. How would I really contribute, if they already understood so much of it? How would they get anything out of it?

This experience fed my main takeaways of this week:

…But I know that’s not actually what’s happening. (Or at least, that’s not all that’s happening).

Despite desperately needing both the rest — and the time to catch up on personal matters, — so far on Sundays (our only day off every week), I’m finding myself antsy to get back at it.

Next week’s short-term goals:

Read “MakerSquare Week 3: Enter APIs”.