MakerSquare Week 10: Is This Real Life?
Great piece of news — I’ll be staying on at MakerSquare at the end of my cohort as a Fellow! I’m very excited, but I can’t believe at how quickly this experience has gone by.
During the three-month fellowship, I’ll have the opportunity to contribute back to this community, while also having the time to keep building up my technical chops prior to diving into the job hunt. I’m excited to be a part of the experience of new students coming in. They say the best way to learn is to teach — I look forward to developing as a technical mentor, and to the higher level of understanding that comes with being able to explain something fluently and clearly to another person.
The time commitment associated with the fellowship is much lighter than being a full-time student, so I want to recommit to some outside goals. I plan to create some more narrowly-defined goals out of these as I transition from student to fellow.
- Technical writing: Some tutorial style posts — on fundamentals, on toy problems, specific how-to’s from notes taken working through different project issues, etc.
- Personal projects: Everything from continuing to add functionality to the thesis project, to more bite-sized one-off projects to experiment with different things.
- Open source contributions: Being able to contribute to the open source community has always been a huge goal of mine. It’s at the heart of what I love about the web and the tech community. I’m not sure yet in what capacity, or which project(s), but I feel that I have something to offer now, and I can’t wait to get started.
Week 12 will be my first week as a fellow, so Week 11 will technically be my last week as a MakerSquare student.