Amberley Romo

MakerSquare Week 12: The Transition

I write this week’s post with mixed emotions, as yesterday marked the last day for the MKS30 cohort.

MKS 30 cohort pic.

For those like myself staying on for the fellowship, week 12 was actually the beginning of our fellowship. We stepped into that routine, as our cohort-mates began focusing on their job searches. It was an odd, in-between space — knowing that after this week, we would no longer see each other nearly every day. The grind of an intensive educational program like this creates an intense interpersonal atmosphere, forging connections quickly. At times, it’s nearly unfathomable that you didn’t know each other three months before.

MKS30 is an incredibly interesting, weird, fun, talented, and bright group of people. I’m delighted that so many are staying in the area, or (like myself) have relocated here for the time being. MKS30 — it’s been quite a ride, and I thank you all.

Advice: Us to Rising Seniors

As our seniors did for us, so did we have a chance to impart snippets of ‘wisdom’ to our juniors. I’ll try to capture some of that here.

One chapter ends, another begins. We’re ready 🙂